Friday, December 16, 2011

Another dumb pregnant question i just need advice not asking am i pregnant?

Okay...Im planning on taking a hpt but i really just want some other views on this too...okay so back in november I met up with an old friend of mine that ive known since i was 13 im now we ended up having unprotected u know what. (Im not on the pill because it was too strong for me for some reason and i wasnt having periods for months...but i wasnt pregnant been checked many times.) i quit takin the pill back in like august. well after we had the ...i had a period it was normal but lasted like 4 days...again we did it in jan and feb and my periods lasted for 4 days...but it basically has been its been about 10 weeks ago since the last...about two weeks ago i was startin to feel sick off and on and so forth but never thrown up yet i was gettin nauseated everynight at like 8 and i had to go to happend for like a straight lately i have been really constipated idk y and my tummy cramps in the weirdest places not even normal to menstral cramps i have moments where i feel like ima puke then i go lay down and about 15 mins later im happens all day head hurts off and on too...oh and my hurt like really bad to the point where i thought i had cancer in my left but my nipple didnt hurt nor my right since the other night they both hurt and my but havent changed color. only my nips hurt with my periods..they now feel like someone has punched them with a hammer and they burn its so weird...i cant ware bras at home and i lay in bed all day because everywhere on my body hurts except for my legs and so on down. and i stay heated up with a heating pad...should i test lol i know i should but does this sound like something not hurting right now but it will soon happen again it always does


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