Sunday, December 18, 2011

In your opinion, what do you think the judge will rule?

I have a pending harment restraining order on my vindictive malicious ex who is also the father of my son and has been abusing me for years. I have soul custody but he wants to be in control of everything and thinks someday and threatens me that he will get full custody one day. We went to court on the 17th of this month but i asked for a continuous due to my lawyer being on vacation. we go back in 2 weeks. he is out to get me, has called social services on me many times and made false reports, and doesnt pay child support. he is using our child as a pawn in a nasty power struggle. temporary until a sentencing takes place i have arranged to do exchanges at a visitation center in the evenings and at my mothers home in the mornings after his visititation days due to me being scared of his unpredicable actions. his visitation schedule is every wed night and every other wknd fri sat sun. we have made exchanges for the last couple wks and it has been goin well without any problems. but today he called the visitation center and told them that he doesnt think that my mothers home is a neutrul place to do exchanges when he has already done 2 of them and they went smoothly, due to that he deined his visitation with our son tonight and all this wknd. he is doing this to get me wound up. in court having doentation of his condescending acts, do you think the judge will rule in my favor and possibly cut some of his visitation?


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