Friday, December 16, 2011

How many people agree with the Dixie chicks view on war?

I know it is kind of late, but i really just would like to know how many people, now, agree with what the dixie chicks said. i feel that i agree with them whole-heartedly that the monkey in office now, really needs to get out and that the war in Iraq was a mistake i don't care if they said it in America, Zimbabya, or London, they are still right and have the right to say whatever they want. Although everybody had their own right to criticize them for it, what i want to know is why so many people got upset about it when alot of the stars now are starting to criticize The Bush Administration for the choices they are making, and nobody is making a big deal when those people say it. Well thanks for your opinions! Even if they aren't my own, (i am going to choose no best answer so don't be afraid to speak your mind, i won't hold it against you, i just want to know peoples opinions) :-)


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