Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What do you answer when someone inquires where you are from?

That is an ambiguous question. I was born and raised in Houston, but I moved away from there my senior year in high school to Austin. I told people I was from Austin while I was in the service. I was stationed in San Francisco and Virginia during my tenure. I did not know whether I should articulate I am from Houston, Austin, San Francisco or Norfolk whenever I took a road trip and the civilians asked that same query. Further, I lived in New York and Philadelphia when I was a teenager. I was uncertain whether I should tell people I hail from Houston, Philadelphia, or Long Island while on voyages. I like to travel a lot as the reader can tell. I moved away from Austin two years ago to attend school in San Marcos down the road. I still live there, yet I have great difficulty discerning the most plausible answer regarding where I am from. The most failproof response I can give others is "all over." What is everyone's idea of the most sensible reply?


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